YounA_Comedy from Kapaa Middle School MEDIA on Vimeo.
The project Mr.Sanderl's Gifted and Talented program is currently working on is about comedy. We are making our own comedy videos that are about our jokes. While doing this project I learned a few things. The first thing I learned about was how to create a joke and punchlines. The next thing I learned was how to import videos into iMovie. The last thing I learned was about the grading criteria that was needed.
Now I will tell you what padding is, basically it is the space between the beginning and ending in a video. Padding is when you make the video smaller, it is crucial because when your frame is smaller than your output you can add padding to make sure your video frame is the same size as your output image frame. A few things I learned from padding is, that it helps if you say "rolling" and "action" it'll help the person know when to start talking, then when they're done talking it's good to say "cut" so they know that the cameras off.
Overall I think my video was pretty good. Although I had a few dark shots, in my opinion I think I met most of the standards. There are a lot of weaknesses in this project, mines were mostly editing, also learning how to add all my clips was a struggle, but I succeeded. My strengths were filming, I love to film, but the cameras were a little different from what I'm used to using. I think I can improve by having better lightning, I can also improve by being more prepared with editing and memorization.

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