Hey... The latest project my G.T class is working on is Polar and Spherical Panos. It's pretty hard to do, so I'm trying my best to make my panos look good. First I'm going to be talking about composite images. Composite images are important because it takes a bunch of photos and makes it into one. They're also important because it's a way to make to tell the viewer a story through other over lapping photos.
Polar and Spherical Panos have a bunch of similarities but there are some differences. When making a spherical pano you have to turn it upside down but when making a polar pano you don't have to turn it. Polar Panos process photos into unique pieces of art. It takes a panoramic (or landscape) photo and uses the Polar Coordinates filter of Photoshop to create a circular image that seems to wrap the panorama around a planet. Spherical Panos
What makes my finished tiny worlds convincing? Well, first I have a shadow that makes it look like my actual shadow and in my opinion the panos look like a tiny planet. It also convincing because I used actual sites that people might've seen before so when I make it into a polar or spherical pano it looks convincing. The way I edited it also makes it look real, I edited my photos in adobe bridge so I had to over-exaggerate about the colors and scenery.

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